

Chest tightness,pain in chest,difficulty in breathing, breathlessness on ascending.




Detailed history taken, so that the onset, duration and progress of the disease is well understood. Homeopathic medicines are given considering exact cause, and the exact symptoms presented.

Likewise, other symptoms will be studied in great detail and perfect solutions provided as per the requirement. Bronchitis , Asthama , COPD , Pneumonia , Hypertention , Cardiac cough , Valvular complaints,Dyspnoea,Pain in Chest,Intercoastal rheumatism etc.

"I met Dr. Sonali for the frequent complaints of tightness feeling in the chest. After detailed case taking and investigations, I got to know the exact causes of my symptoms. My fears of heart disease settled as symptoms reduced significantly. Doctor has told me importance of regular check ups and follow ups too. Today I exercise regularly and eat right kind of food. Regular follow up with the doctor has changed my approach towards health and life too. "